Innovation Management Strategy

Strategic intelligence cycle

Criteria and scope for intelligence generation
The identification of the types and sources of data takes place in this phase, as well as the definition of the analytical tools to be utilized (hence the know-how to be included in the project team), of the key aspects of the context, and of the final recommendation mode.

Data gathering and analysis
Gathering and analysis step builds on the framing phase to implement the actions required to generate information. It can be divided in two processes:

– data gathering and verification;
– data analysis to extract information.

Feedback and iterations between these processes can happen depending on the specific case, e.g. to add or modify a dataset, apply different analytics tools, iterate data verification.

This is the step where knowledge is generated by interpreting information in accordance with context of the organization. Information generated under various context, i.e. market, government, social may be brought into know the HOW and WHY behind the changes.

This final step communicates intelligence to top management with recommendations relevant to the scope of strategic intelligence application, to support and inform decision-making.

Strategic intelligence validation
Leadership should recognise that intelligence is an explorative and judgement-based activity and has inherent uncertainty. Invariably, it has some human bias coming from the personal experience of the individual involved in the activity. In spite of verifications at each step, there may still be a need to validate the recommendations.