Innovation Management Services

Innovation Management Services is about establishing an innovation process that occurs within your organization and in collaboration with your ecosystem. The process is a collaboration between the inner and outer parts of your organization to enhance the value realization across your innovation portfolio.

The purpose of (IPM) Innovation Portfolio Management is to evaluate initiatives…
This mid-evaluation is the gateway out of the Valley of Death for the innovation initiative and will enforce a neutral and impartial valuation and plan for its inception, launch and conclusion. Since not every initiative should be funded and developed there needs to be a set of manifested selection criteria that match the intentions of the innovation strategy and that illuminates initiatives that do not fit into the portfolio.
…to create strategic balance…
The valuation of individual initiatives and concepts are then compared with the rest of the portfolio to create a strategically weighted balance between risk, opportunity and investments. This process goes on as long as initiatives are alive to ensure strategic balance in the portfolio.
…and to align strategy with execution
Innovation portfolio management ensures alignment between the innovation strategy, the resources provided in the innovation process, and the execution of innovation projects. It does so by clarifying the guidelines of the innovation strategy in the strategic innovation portfolio management process (SIPM) and aligns it with the methods, tools and resources in the operational innovation portfolio management process (OIPM).